Conservative Cause
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Super Sunglasses
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Successes for American's United for Life UAL- Pro-Life
There are some exciting new developments on the movement for Americans United for Life (UAL). I am thrilled to show you the very recent progress that has occurred. I can enthusiastically report that over 64 recent anti-abortion new laws have passed. This has resulted from the republican take over of half of the nation's state houses. Check out the article below:
In this issue of Bench Briefs: The New York Times reports on the pro-life victories that AUL is having nationwide advancing pro-life legislation state by state, and AUL marks another pro-life win in a key Ohio case.
The New York Times Says AUL Part of
"The Reincarnation of Pro-life"
Photo at above left by Geoff Livingston
“The way we’re gathering momentum is just amazing,” says Dr. Charmaine Yoest, Americans United for Life President and CEO to the New York Times.
The newspaper of record, the New York Times, over the holiday weekend reported groundbreaking pro-life victories in its weekly magazine. Front and center was AUL.
“Ever since Republicans took control of half the country’s statehouses this year, the anti-abortion movement has won one victory after another. At least 64 new anti-abortion laws have passed, with more than 30 of them in April alone. The campaign is the largest in history and also the most creative. Virginia started regulating abortion clinics as if they were hospitals. Utah, Nebraska and several other states have stopped private health insurers from covering abortions, with rare exceptions. South Dakota will soon tell women that before they go to an abortion clinic, they must first visit a crisis pregnancy center whose mission is to talk them out of it,” wrote reporter Emily Bazelon.
After talking with Dr. Yoest about AUL’s role in developing and promoting legislation that can strategically – and constitutionally – roll back Roe v. Wade and pass life-protecting measures, the reporter called the advances “incrementalism on steroids.” Click here to read the entire article.
AUL’s premier legal team reports that in 2011, AUL model language has already been adopted or enacted (in whole or in part) in 9 states and that AUL has actively consulted in 37 states. And more than 1,500 copies of AUL’s model legislation, the blueprint for life-affirming legislation, has been distributed in 46 states, the District of Columbia, and overseas.
As legislative session begin to wrap up, AUL continued to move the ball forward for life last week.
At left: former Nebraska Governor Kay Orr.
In Nebraska, the AUL-drafted parental consent bill LB 690 was passed and signed into law less than two hours later by Governor Dave Heineman. The bill was championed by former Nebraska Gov. Kay Orr whose daughter Suzanne is AUL’s state coordinator. To read a profile of Gov. Orr and her family’s pro-life involvement with AUL, click here.
In Alabama, the state senate took up, SB202. Sen. Greg Reed introduced the bill, based on AUL model legislation, which would prohibit insurance plans participating in the state exchange created in President Obama’s health care law from covering abortions. If passed by the house, Alabama will join 12 other states that have passed similar opt-out measures, including: Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia. To read an Associated Press story on events in Alabama, click here.
And in New Hampshire, Representative Kathy Souza introduced and spearheaded HB 329 to provide long-overdue protections for young girls who need parental guidance when facing pressure to have an abortion. First passed in the House, the bill cleared the Senate with a veto-proof majority. It now goes to the Governor for consideration. If it becomes law, it will require parental notification prior to a young, underage girl obtaining an abortion. This would reinstate a law repealed in 2007.
Dear Reader,Thank you for your interest in these issues. Please post me a comment when you get a
Best Regards,
Dave Udall
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Some Points Scored for Obama: Bin Laden demise
I just wanted to make one comment in regards to the recent demise of Bin Laden, the extremely cruel 2001 master mind terrorist. I have to say that I was very pleased with this event which was driven by the Obama administration. To Obama's credit, he tenaciously followed up on what Bush started, and he and his people stayed with the program that resulted in taking Bin Laden down. I also wanted to say that I was very impressed with what the brave men of the Navy Seals accomplished. It is good to still see that nothing stops the Americans when they set their minds to something that needs to be done.
Dave Udall
Friday, May 27, 2011
Gays in America and their filthy, rotten, perverse plans to capture our precious children into homosexuality and it's attendent vices.
I wanted to post up some of the latest horrible shenanigans and horrid plans of some of the people in the gay community inside this great country, even the great USA. My good friends, the Grahams, work pro-actively to expose more fully the gay movement and to counter act their wicked plans with wholesome/good plans to teach our children in America to choose the right and to be virtuous and morally good. Please scroll down to the bottom. Here is their latest newsletter from the Standard of Liberty entitled:
"Recruiting children? You bet we are."- Gay Magazine Admits Radical Agenda
May 24, 2011
Many gays do not like it, but an online magazine, has published an article by editor Daniel Villarreal entitled, "Can We Please Just Start Admitting that We Do Actually Want to Indoctrinate Kids?" The author proudly confesses that one of the gay agenda's main goals is to indoctrinate school children into accepting "queer sexuality as normal."
The article states: "We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it."
And "Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?"
And "I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT."
And "I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it's OK to be gay, that people of the same sex should be allowed to legally marry each other, and that anyone can kiss a person of the same sex without feeling like a freak."
And "I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and . . ." I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously . . . "
And "not educating our kids about queer issues makes them ignorant, hateful little morons."
The article urged fellow gays to face this reality, be proud of it, and combat resistence from those promoting traditional moral values by creating "ads - with tons of verifiable supporting evidence-that just plainly state that denying marriage equality ruins people's lives."
As we at SoL have said before, this fight is not about marriage. The institution of marriage is merely being exploited and redefined to promote the acceptance of risky, perverse, unlimited sexuality . . . yes, to kids.
Those promoting this agenda are making tremendous progress and they won't stop. As the author of the article obviously knows, our society is at war for the hearts of its children, a war between two diametrically opposed world views: one hedonistic, the other God-centered. We quote: "Remember, Prop 8 passed along age lines with the very old voting largely in favor of it. The younger generation doesn't fear homosexuality as much because they're exposed to fags on TV, online, and at school."
Read the entire article from Queerty magazine. WARNING: extremely vulgar sexual language.
We congratulate our readers who are striving to counteract the gay agenda in their families, churches, and communities.
For help, see the entire text of Me Tarzan, You Jane, a nondenominational book for the youngest children here or find the book available now at BYU Bookstore and Also Chased by an Elephant (for LDS families) or Wild Elephant (for all other Christian families), The Gospel Truth About Today's Stampeding Sexuality for families with older children.
-Standard of liberty
**** Dear blog reader:
Note: It's high time that all social conservatives need to get involved in one good cause or another to do something valliant like the Grahams are doing with their Standard of Liberty organization. We can no longer stand idly by on the side lines anymore if we are in fact standing idly by. We must step it up and formulate a plan to help protect cherished family values in our communities in the great USA. We need to be willing to step it up by stepping out of our comfort zones if necessary to boldly speak up against the proactive gays or choose some other important social issue that strikes a strong chord inside your heart. We applaud the Graham family for stepping it up!
Most sincerely,
Dave Udall
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Obama and his comments on Israel and the Palestine state
Dear readers,
This is my take on Obama's recent statements on the mid-east conflict:
Are you kidding me Obama! You have the audacity to tell Israel to roll back their borders to pre-1967. The Israeli people have spent blood, sweat and tears to obtain, defend and maintain every square inch of the property they now hold. Obama ought to be reminded that it was Egypt and Syria that provoked the war in 1967 against Israel. Please go to this link to review some history on the war:
If the Israeli army and air force would not have been proactive to quickly engage themselves against Egypt and Syria, they probably would have been decimated! The war plans of Egypt and Syria definitely back fired against them. Once again, they (Israel/Syria), provoked the war and thus in turn deserved to lose the 1967 war against Israel, including the ground they lost.
The aftermath are just the fortunes of war. NOTE: Obama and his staff need to go back to the drawing board and Obama ought to retract his recent ridiculous statements on what Israel should do!
Dave Udall
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A few choice politcal jokes from comedians
Here are a few political jokes just to get us all laughing:
America needs Obama-care like
Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' THIRD PRIZE (TIE)
Q: What does Barack Obama
I hope you enjoyed these jokes. Have a great week!!
Best Regards,
Dave Udall
ACLU: The Super Bullies of Christianity in the USA
ACLU Threatens N.J. High School With Legal Action Over Graduation at Christian-Owned Site
Published May 17, 2011
Dear Blogger reader:
I don't know about you but I am sick of seeing the ACLU bully public schools and various organizations across the USA, as they are doing in this case? I hope that there are some political conservatives out there who have deep pockets that would take the ACLU on in this case. It is high time that the ACLU be confronted head on for working so hard to ruin Christian social traditions in this great country. If the Christian symbols offend people out there, they do not have to attend this function. The students could request to have their diploma's mailed to them, if they are so offended that they do not want to attend. It's high time that Americans really rally for having the mentioning of God and Christ included again their public schools!! To go a step farther, I am sure this is not politically correct but I strongly feel that Christ is the God of this free land, the United States of America!!
Most Sincerely,
Dave Udall
For generations, graduates of Neptune High School have walked down the aisle of the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, N.J., where the impressive 6,500-seat venue dominates the landscape of one of the area's most historic beach towns.
A New Jersey high school with a 70-year tradition of hosting graduation ceremonies in a historic auditorium is standing firm against legal threats from the American Civil Liberties Union, which claims the event violates the separation of church and state because of the Christian-owned site's religious displays.
For generations, graduates of Neptune High School have walked down the aisle of the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, where the impressive 6,500-seat venue dominates the landscape of one of the area’s most historic beach towns. Built in 1894, the auditorium is owned and operated by the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist group that owns not just the building, but all of the land beneath every home and structure in town.
The ACLU of New Jersey threatened legal action against the Neptune school district after an attendee at last year’s graduation ceremony took offense to the building’s religious symbols and Christian-based references -- among them a 20-foot white cross above the auditorium’s entrance. The ACLU asked the school to remove or cover up the cross and three other religious signs, arguing their visibility during a public school event is a First Amendment violation.
School officials responded by agreeing to change the graduation program to remove the student-led invocation and two hymns -- one titled “Onward Christian Soldiers” -- to rid the ceremony of any religious references.
“The program was not of a religious nature -- it was more tradition than anything else,” said Neptune Public Schools Superintendent David Mooij. “But we decided we would change the program and delete the things this individual found offensive.”
Removing or covering up the cross was another matter. The Camp Association said it could not cover the cross, said to have been a gift from movie director Woody Allen, who used the auditorium during shooting for the 1980 film "Stardust Memories." Nor would they cover up the two illuminated indoor signs – “Holiest to the Lord” and “So Be Ye Holy” – which are said to be the oldest operating electric signs in America.
“The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association is a Christian ministry, and we can’t change who we are,” said Scott Hoffman, the group’s chief operating officer. “We want this tradition to keep going as badly as anyone, but not at the expense of who we are.”
Mooij said the ACLU then requested that the school change its venue for the June 17 graduation – a move he said isn’t feasible. “We already printed 3,000 tickets, and there’s no comparable size venue anywhere around us.”
Mooij said the school board received a letter on Thursday from the ACLU saying they would “likely have to take legal recourse” if their demands to cover the cross and signs were not met.
An ACLU spokeswoman would not comment on what, if any, legal action is pending, saying only that the organization is working to resolve the matter through negotiations with the school.
The Great Auditorium, a nationally recognized landmark, is steeped in history. The building has hosted Ulysses S. Grant and six other U.S. presidents, as well as 27 of New Jersey’s governors. Mark Twain was a member of the auditorium’s board of directors, and religious leaders like the Rev. Billy Graham have spoken there.
The auditorium also functions as a concert venue for many secular events and has hosted acts as varied as the Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra Jr., and Peter, Paul and Mary.
As for now, Mooij said the school has every intention of sticking with its graduation plans.
“There’s a lot of tradition in this community about using this building,” he said. “We’re hoping that it could be resolved through negotiations,” he said, “But we aren’t there yet.”
Read more:
Dear Blogger reader:
I don't know about you but I am sick of seeing the ACLU bully schools and various organizations across the USA, as they are doing in this case? I hope that there are some political conservatives out there who have deep pockets that would take the ACLU on in this case. It is high time that the ACLU be confronted head on for working so hard to ruin Christian social traditions in this great country. If the Christian symbols offend people out there, they do not have to attend this function. The students could request to have their diploma's mailed to them, if they are so offended that they do not want to attend. It's high time that Americans really rally for having the mentioning of God and Christ included again their public schools!! To go a step farther, I am sure this is not politically correct but I strongly feel that Christ is the God of this free land, the United States of America.
Most Sincerely,
Dave Udall